Flying Stars

Still Young, Still New

Children are born with fresh eyes. Their vision is sharper, their perspectives are clearer, and everything is brand new. When you explore the world through their eyes, even the oldest thing in the universe can seem like it's brand new.

What does it mean to be old or young? Children might seem young to adults, but to a 150-year-old sea turtle even the oldest humans seem young. And when you think about the mountains, the ocean, the planet, you will have a whole new dimension to the idea of old and young.

Selected in the 2023 Braw Amazing Bookshelf BCBF

Higo Wu is a picture book critic, translator, and writer. He also runs a popular podcast about picture books. Many of his works have been recommended by the Taipei Public Library’s Award-Winning Children’s Books campaign, including his picture book Blooming Jizo which won the 2018 Children’s Book of the Year.

Chen Pei-Hsiu
was previously an archaeological illustrator at the Academia Sinica before going freelance, and her illustrations have been published in magazines, newspapers, and picture books. She has been shortlisted twice for the Prize for Young Talent at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, as well as twice at 3×3 International Illustration Awards. Her graphic novel For the Time Being has been published in French.

Text: Higo Wu
Illustration: Pei Hsiu Chen
Published by Taiwan Mac, 2022
44 pages
Rigths Sold: Korean, Spanish (Latin America)

English Translation Available