Flying Stars

Look, It’s Yellow

The second title of a series of colour.

In the painters’ eyes, yellow is bright. In the bees’ eyes, yellow is sweet.
Yellow of the seabed is soft, yellow of the desert is vast.

Different observers give different answers. Looking at the world from different angles, you will find the world varies in different ways.

English Samples Available

Longlisted in the Best China's Aesthetic Education Picture Books 2020
TOP10 of China's original picture book rankings in 2021

Yu Zhang has studied oil painting and printmaking in Jiangnan University and Nanjing University. From 2018 to 2023, she hold numerous solo exhibitions in many major galleries and museums in Nanjing, and now she is engaged in children's aesthetic education. She has published 9 picture books and most of them are collaborated with CWI (China Welfare Institude).

Text & Illustration: Yu Zhang
Published by China Welfare Institute Publishing House, May 2020

36 Pages
All Rights Available