Flying Stars

Big Bear's Mailbox

A bear in search of a place to belong discovers more than just a beautiful land; it finds friendship, joy, and the little things that turn a house into a home. And when a letter from the stars arrives, it’s the final piece of the puzzle.

A sad bear left his hometown. He passed by many places, but he didn't know where to go. Every night he looked up at the starry sky, hoping to find his own star.
He found a beautiful place and built a house with the help of nearby animal friends. Finally, the new house was built, but everyone felt that something was missing. He improved the house according to everyone's suggestions, but only in his heart did he know what was missing. He built a mailbox. "Who will send you a letter?" The bear looked up at the sky and couldn't answer their question. Time passed day by day, and finally one day, he received a letter from the starry sky from the person he missed.

Xuejun Peng is a famous children's literature writer who has published many novels, short stories and essays. His works have won many awards, including the National Excellent Children's Literature Award, the Bing Xin Children's Literature New Work Award, and the Chen Bochui International Children's Literature Award.

Penghao Ma is the author of picture books A Pear Falling into the Water , and Bark Hut under the Window. A Pear Falling into the Water was nominated for the Hsin Yi Picture Book Award in 2014.

Text: Xuejun Peng
Illustration: Penghao Ma
Published by Beijing Dandelion Children’s Book House, 2021

44 Pages
All Rights Available

English translation available